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440 tanks images

440 Tanks Images - Ukraine is getting a lot of weapons from Russia because Putin's forces are lagging behind in equipment: The war has been going on for more than seven months, and the Ukrainian army is on the counterattack. In recent weeks, Ukrainian forces have managed to liberate thousands of square kilometers of territory and destroy or capture large numbers of Russian troops.

Ironically, while the Ukrainian military receives billions in security aid from the United States, Britain and the rest of NATO, the Russian military remains perhaps the largest supplier to the Ukrainian military - albeit in a twisted way. How Russia supplies Ukraine

440 Tanks Images

440 Tanks Images

Since September, the Ukrainian army has launched two successful counter-offensives in the east and south.

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As a result, hundreds of settlements and tens of thousands of people were liberated. But the Ukrainians are getting more than land. At each stage of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, Russian troops retreated, abandoning hundreds of tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, artillery pieces and other weapon systems.

The Russian and Ukrainian armies use the same basic Soviet/Russian weapon systems. During World War II the German Wehrmacht fueled some of its attacks with fuel taken from Allied logistics centers, while Ukrainian forces fueled counterattacks with main battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles captured from the Russians. Aside from the potential loss of manpower, if a Ukrainian unit captures seven T-80 tanks after a battle, it doesn't matter if they lose three T-72 tanks in an attack on a Russian village.

As a result, the Ukrainian military is using many Russian weapons systems captured on the battlefield.

"Repurposed Russian equipment makes up a large part of Ukraine's military equipment. After the invasion, Ukraine is likely to acquire at least 440 Russian main battle tanks and around 650 other armored vehicles. "Half of Ukraine's tank fleet now consists of captured vehicles," British Military Intelligence said. in the final account of the war.

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Russian troops are abandoning their weapon systems with incredible ease, a sign of a force that has significantly lost morale - a determined force with high morale will fight until its position becomes unassailable. He destroys everything after doing it before going back.

"The failure of Russian crews to destroy their equipment in its entirety before retreating or surrendering shows a lack of training and combat discipline. Russian formations are under severe strain in various sectors and as troops become increasingly demoralized, Russia may continue to lose heavy weapons," added British Military Intelligence. .

Ultimately, it's a double whammy for the Russian military, as it will lose weapons systems that are difficult to replace, as its adversaries will use the same weapons.

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, a veteran of the Hellenic Navy (National Service with the 575th Marine Battalion and Army Headquarters) and a graduate of Johns Hopkins University. He is currently pursuing a master's degree in strategy and cyber security at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). His work is described

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1945 Chief of Defense and National Security Stavros Atlamazoglu is a defense journalist specializing in special operations, a veteran of the Hellenic Army (national service with the 575th Marine Battalion and Army Headquarters) and a graduate of Johns Hopkins University. His work has been featured in Business Insider, Sandboxx and SOFREP.Ik. Therefore, I allow NL to accept mij te kunnen benadeneren met voor mij mogelijk interesting berichten.

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